Thursday, March 9, 2017

Opening Assignment 3-10-2017

For paperless OA go to (Click Here)


Note if you have this done you will get extra time to finish your Animation next week.

Web Hunt for Lake Nacimiento:

  1. Highway 5 is is the ______ longest highway in the U.S. following I-15 and the fifth longest north-south highway following I-15.Wikapedia
  2. California Route 46 is how long?  Wikepedia ______________________
  3. CA Route 46 ends in what city along the Pacific Coast? Initials are P.R. ______________
  4. How many wineries are there in Paso Robles? Wineries _________________
  5. Lake Nacimiento looks like what animal? Query ________________________
  6. What is the elevation of Lake Nacimiento?  Lake El. ____________________
  7. How many people live in Paso Robles 2010 census? Census
  8. Castle, who is it named after? What did he do for a living?  Castle
  9. Go to Cool Text and create a text using your name. Post to your blogger.

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